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27  July

Remember to vote today

04/05/2017 @ 06:34

Council chiefs are urging people to make their vote count at today’s town, community and county council elections. 

While there’s only the Castle seat on Welshpool Town Council being contested most county council wards will see candidates contesting and there are three elections taking place in Welshpool.

Powys County Council’s Returning Officer, Jeremy Patterson, urged people to make their vote count.

Voters from Welshpool and across Powys will decide which councillors will represent them and their local area for the next five years.  Polling stations will open from 7am until 10pm on 4 May.

“Candidates may represent a political party or they may be independent but all successful candidates will be elected by their local community,” said a council spokesperson. 

“Out of the 73 county council wards, 56 wards will see a contested election which will involve 158 candidates.” 

Mr Patterson, said: “Voters will have the opportunity to vote for who they think is the best candidate to represent their community on the council for the next five years. 

“Who you vote for is entirely between you and the ballot paper but, if you are eligible to take part in these elections, I would encourage you to use your vote so your council is truly representative of the wishes of your community.

“The council delivers important services such as social care, education and bin collections so it is important you have your say on who your council representative is by using your right to vote.” 

The count for the county council elections in Powys will take place the following day on Friday, 5 May at the Royal Welsh Showground in Llanelwedd, Builth Wells.

There are elections in all three wards of Llanerchyddol, Gungrog and Castle with the three sitting councillors all seeking re-election.


On Llanerchyddol Graham Breeze is standing as an Independent again and faces opposition from the Liberal Democrats candidate Folkert Veenstra. Voting takes place at Welshpool Town Hall.


Phil Pritchard (Independent) faces a three-way fight for his seat on Castle Ward from Richard Church (Liberal Democrat) and Des Parkinson, who has left UKIP to join the Conservatives. Voting takes place at Welshpool Methodist Church.


Fransesca Jump (Liberal/Democrat) has opposition from three candidates for her Gungrog Ward seat. She is opposed by Steve Kaye (Independent), David Senior (Plaid Cymru) and Ruth Canning (Conservative). Voting takes place at Gungrog School.