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17  June

Welshpool club's Covid clothes support

02/03/2021 @ 09:51

When an appeal went out for clothes for patients who were stuck in Shrewsbury and  Telford Hospitals due to Covid-19 restrictions, Welshpool Inner Wheel Club responded immediately.

Many patients have been left without a change of clothes due to the strict rules in place around the two hospitals, leading to their appeal for help.  

Members donated money to buy a quantity of ladies and men’s nightwear, which will be delivered to the Royal Shrewsbury Hospital by President, Margaret Pepper, and Immediate Past President, Di Crocker.

“The nightwear will be for those patients who do not have a spare change of clothes because of Covid restrictions, or isolation has meant relatives are not able to get to the hospitals in Shrewsbury or Telford,” said an NHS spokesperson.

“These would be gifted to patients who do not have access to their own nightwear and this is especially useful when they are discharged as they can take them home with them.”

Welshpool Inner Wheel members have kept in touch with telephone calls and emails during lock down, and are continuing to support the communities in which they live with Meals on Wheels/Talking Newspapers and Community Angel activities.

The President, Secretary and Treasurer also regularly join Inner Wheel members from the District for online ZOOM meetings.