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19  May

Local Ukraine charity notches up £33,000

25/08/2023 @ 09:52


A local woman’s bid to garner local support for the people of Ukraine has revealed the impressive total she has raised to date.

As the war-torn country marked its Independence Day yesterday (Thursday), Forden fundraiser Jane Morgan revealed that an incredible £33,000 has been raised in the 18 months since Russia invaded.

Jane, touched by what she was witnessing in February 2022 as thousands of Russian troops flooded across the border, set up a Facebook page Buy and Sell UK - 100% to the DEC Ukraine Appeal – to auction off items.

The response has been incredible with money continuing to come in at a rate of over £1,000 a month which she directly sends to charities supporting the Ukrainian people.

“The support continues to be fantastic,” Jane told us. “We will keep going for as long as we are needed. Thank-you to everyone that has contributed.”

Jane was recognised by the High Sheriff of Powys back in March (pictured) for her efforts, and said that as the war shows no sign of ending, money raised could well be channelled into a new area.

“Discussions are currently taking place with members to decide whether some future donations should support the work ROLDA is doing in helping Ukrainian animals too,” she said. “There’ll be a change of group name to reflect this if the proposal goes ahead - watch this space!”