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27  July

Noise concerns over Welshpool sausage factory

16/02/2024 @ 07:30


Concerns have been raised over the level of round-the-clock noise generated by a sausage factory that is asking for the town’s support to expand.

Welshpool Sausage Factory wants to erect an extension to expand its operations at Foundry Lane, but a number of councillors at this week’s Welshpool Town Council Planning Committee shared their concerns.

Several said they had been contacted by residents living in the area to complain about the noise, and Cllr Phil Pritchard, while not a voting member of the committee, urged members to visit at 11pm and said: “Go and hear the noise and God help anyone living there.”

The Mayor, Cllr Nick Howells, enquired whether an environmental impact report had been carried out, while Cllr Alison Davies also said the same business had left a town centre property on Berriew Street as “one of the worst examples of empty retail premises in the whole town”.

But there was some support for the request, with Cllr Billy Spencer keen to stress that the business creates vital town employment which he said “should be encouraged”.

Welshpool Town Council does not make the final decision on such plans, but is asked for their views before it goes into the Powys County Council planning mix for final decision.

The council’s concerns over the business hours of operation and the noise it generates with its close proximity to residential will be forwarded to County Hall.