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22  October

“Please come forward, even if it is just to apologise”

23/06/2024 @ 05:01


A Welshpool businesswoman is hoping the people behind “completely smashing” her shop door come forward and save her, and her family, a potential big bill.

Amanda Thompson said that she “isn’t angry” at discovering the damage this morning to her Cosmic Collectables shop on Berriew Street, and said, after reviewing CCTV, that it happened during a fight, but she hopes those responsible will “do the right thing”.

“It looked like a pretty big bust up so I imagine neither of them are feeling their best today, hopefully they do step forward though,” said Amanda, who will be contacting her insurance company tomorrow.

“We know it wasn’t intentional, but it’s still just not a nice thing to experience. In a perfect world I would hope they would come forward, even just to apologise.

“We are a small business trying to juggle raising our daughter and making a good future for her. We aren’t angry or annoyed at them and hope they are OK. We just hope they do take responsibility and set a good example that wrongs can always be righted.”

The CCTV shows an altercation involving two men and a woman on Saturday night, which eventually resulted in one of the men being shoved into the glass door which completely smashes.

One man and the woman then went the way of the Cross, while the man on the receiving end makes his way towards Berriew Street Car Park.

Luckily nothing was taken as no-one entered the shop before police and an ambulance arrived on the scene.

Despite the incident, Amanda said it won’t put her off as “Welshpool is such a lovely place”.

“Honestly, it has been amazing since we opened the shop a year ago,” she said. “People are supportive and welcoming and the events go consistently well. We know it’s a tough time for everyone financially, so the fact people are still supporting us and our family is fantastic to be honest.”