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11  May

30 days of fitness - day 29

29/04/2017 @ 06:29


We are reaching the last couple of days of our month of fitness tips and we hope you have enjoyed receiving some really easy-to-follow advice from our friends at Great Fitness.

Today they tell us that getting into shape is not just about heading to the gym or out on the open roads. Not all of us have time, or perhaps the confidence.

“Home exercises are something we always tend to advise our clients at Great Fitness,” said Chris Greatorex. “There are plenty of basic exercises you don’t need any equipment, much space or time for. There is always 10 minutes at the end or beginning of your day to fit in a small home work out.

“Exercises like the plank, side plank, crunches and leg raises are all perfect for you to improve your core strength, and all you need is your floor in your living room.

“Add in exercises like press ups and mountain climbers if you want to develop your core even further.

“There really is no excuse when it comes to fitting a work out into your day when you don’t need any equipment, just your carpet!”

And don’t forget, if you need advice, pop in to see the team at Great Fitness or at The Arnoury for advice on how you can get into shape.