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15  June

Farmers fear Air Ambulance move puts lives at risk

23/08/2022 @ 12:11


The Farmers’ Union of Wales (FUW) has said that its members are extremely concerned about the possible impacts of a proposed restructuring of Wales Air Ambulance services which could lead to the closure of air ambulance bases at Welshpool and Caernarfon.

It has been reported that as part of a major review of its operations, Wales Air Ambulance could close its Welshpool base and relocate crews to North Wales, and that the current base near Caernarfon could move as part of the plans.

FUW Montgomeryshire county executive officer Emyr Davies said: “The plans have come as a big shock to our members in Montgomeryshire and across mid Wales, and it is a source of great worry.

“We all know someone who has had their life saved by the Welshpool air ambulance, often because of the critical minutes and seconds saved as a result of having a service based in the heart of Wales.”

Davies said that many farmers and their family members were among those whose lives had been saved, as well as many others living in isolated communities in regions where accident and emergency centres have been closed and traditional services have been whittled away.

“However, it is unclear whether this estimated improvement in services is simply a result of the proposed 50% increase in hours of coverage, and whether the closure of bases such as the one in Welshpool is a separate issue that would actually reduce the quality of service in rural areas such as Montgomeryshire due to longer response times,” said Davies.

“The bottom line is that it’s difficult to see how moving an air ambulance base from Wales’ most rural county would benefit Wales’ most rural areas."